The Versatility of Activated Charcoal
It might sound a bit like hocus pocus but activated charcoal can cast spells of relief for many health-related issues. This was one of the first supplements that I fell in love with when taking a deep dive into naturopathy, mostly because of its versatility.
A Historical Perspective: Charcoal’s Power Demonstrated in 1831
Our connection to charcoal dates back as far as we can remember but the first documented demonstration of charcoal’s powerful, toxin-binding abilities occurred in 1831 when Tovery ingested a lethal dose of strychnine before the French Academy of Medicine. Strychnine, a highly toxic, crystalline alkaloid causes poisoning which results in muscular convulsions and eventually death by asphyxia. Tovery experienced no ill side effects due to the simultaneous consumption of activated charcoal.
Modern Uses of Activated Charcoal
Fast forward today and activated charcoal is still being used as an antidote to neutralize the effects of substance toxicity, as well as filter out water contaminants, teeth whitening, digestive aids, topical solutions for skin-related issues, hangovers, food poisoning, and even kidney disease.
A First-Hand Experience
Knowing this information is great, but most of us are not really sold on anything until we have a first-hand experience, which is exactly what happened to me in 2012.
I was painting the walls of what was soon to be the opening debut of JuiceVibes, when I was abruptly bit by something on my ankle. I immediately looked down and saw two little bite marks that were swelling fast, which concluded it was a spider bite. The store, at this point, was empty outside of paint cans, canvases, and a few boxes that had arrived with supplements. It hit me like a ton of bricks when I realized that one of those boxes contained 12 bottles of activated charcoal tablets. I ripped them open, tossing what I didn’t need to the side, until I found the carbon-based supplements.
I immediately taped one tablet to the puncture site and then quietly said to myself, “God, please let this work.”
A couple of hours went by when I realized that I had forgotten all about the bite. I pulled back the bandage and it was literally as if I had never been bit. The swelling was gone and the tablet had expanded in size, absorbing whatever venom had been injected. I was sold from that moment on.
Nature’s Intention and Charcoal’s Role
Nature is incredibly intentional in her creation. She is able to supply us with everything we need and does so without producing any waste. She gave us fire to warm our bodies, cook our food, provide us with light, and the leftover byproduct to be used as a healing modality.
Being Prepared with Activated Charcoal
Hopefully, we try to go through life minimizing our exposure to things that are harmful. I just know that I feel a little more prepared knowing that I have some black magic on hand when and if that uh-oh moment happens.. I hope you will too.